Takeaways From the 2024 Radio Mercury Awards

A hands-on session featuring highlights and insights from the 33rd annual competition to help you elevate your radio craft.

Presented: June 18, 2024
Useful Resources:

How to Write and Produce Radio Creative that Works

This hands-on session features Radio Mercury Awards winning writers and producers sharing actionable tips to up your client's creative and execute with brilliance.

Why Creative Matters: Best Practices for Crafting Audio Advertising

2024 Radio Mercury Awards Chief Judge Mitch Bennett, executive creative director, breaks down some of the hallmarks of producing effective and creative radio. In this webinar, you'll learn and hear about 2023 Radio Mercury Awards winning spots and campaigns along with insights on creating, writing, and producing great radio work.

contact us

mercury@rab.com | Phone number: 212 681 7212

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